A low-interest credit card is one that has a competitive APR (usually below 14%) or an introductory interest rate of 0%, in the case of a balance transfer credit card. Such a credit card may be right for you if you tend to carry a balance on your credit card from month to month or you want to transfer your balances to a new card. That said, it’s important to pick the best low-interest credit card, so you save more money and have a hassle-free experience. Here, we’ve compared the top 3 options in the market right now.
Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards Credit Card
This card has a purchase intro APR of 0% for a whole of 15 months, but the regular APR ranges between 15.49% and 25.49%. If you spend a minimum of $500 during the first 3 months after opening an account, you will receive a one-time cash bonus of $200. You also get to earn unlimited cashback amounting to 1.5% of the purchase price of an item, and this applies to every purchase you make, every day.
Citi® Diamond Preferred® Card
This card has a purchase and transfer introductory APR of 0% for the first 18 months, and a regular APR of 14.74% – 24.74%. But, balance transfers will need to be completed within 4 months of you opening your account. The applicable balance transfer fee is $5 or 3% of each transfer amount (whichever is higher). There’s also no annual fee.
Discover it® Chrome
This credit card has a transfer and purchase intro APR of 0% for the first 14 months, and a regular APR of 11.99% – 22.99%. It has an annual fee of $0. You also get to earn a cashback of 2% at gas stations and restaurants and an unlimited cashback of 1% on all other purchases. You can redeem your cashback at any time since they never expire. The company also offers customers 100% U.S.-based customer support at all times.